Friday, January 28, 2011

Peace be unto you.

I live in an area highly congested with homelessness and panhandling. In all honesty, I am always reluctant to give spare change. Im a struggling college student and I hate giving money away. Especially unexpectedly, no matter how small the sum. I am always skeptical of the homeless men and women and how they will use the funds they raise by asking on the street. To put it plainly, I fear they will use it on drugs. This is not always the case.

Weeks ago I went to get myself a beef bowl and a man was standing in there with a helpless and pitiful look on his face. It broke my heart to look at him. I was compelled. He looked at me and said, "'scuse me sir, can you help me out? i just need some food to bring back to my family at home. Ill take anything. Food will be just fine." I gave him 3 dollars. Thats the highest sum of money I had ever given voluntarily aside from church services. Him specifying that money was not he only thing that could help him is what compelled me.

Weeks later I saw the same man asking a college kid for money and ask me directly afterward. I was highly irritated! I gave him a few bucks and promised myself that was that man's last. The buck stopped there. PUN INTENDED.

The gentleman you see in the photo may very well be no better off than the aforementioned poor man. However, there is a level of dignity, respect, and discipline that separates the two. You see, this man wants to raise funds just like the poor man. But he realizes and respects the rules of trade. He knows better than to expect something for nothing. I would gladly purchase bean pies from this man. Gladly and proudly.